F. Fund/KEVINTSA/2016-17/Adhoc
Bonus/ Date: 02.01.2017
The Commissioner e-mail only
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
Headquarter. New Delhi.
Ref.: Copy of letter from NVS for
Adhoc Bonus – a sister concern of KVS.
Most humbly I would like to draw your
kind attention that the KVS employee have not yet been paid Adhoc Bonus for the
year 2015-16 payable in the financial year 2016-17. Since, already too late for
a bonafide due to be cleared, which has been estopped, for the want of order
from GOI, as stated by the office of Jt. Commissioner (Fin), KVS.
Here it is pertinent to add that the sister
concern of KVS - Navoday Vidyalaya Samiti has already issued the order for the
Adhoc Bonus way back in October, the scheduled time (Copy of the order is
attached for ready record).
Your kind intervention is urgently
beseeched, for which, KEVINTSA is firmly hopeful. KEVINTSA is constrained to
start the year 2017 with a letter demanding to clear its bonafide dues.

for kind information.
Commissioner (Pers), KVS HQ New Delhi.
b. Jt. Commissioner ( Fin.), KVS HQ New
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